Tuesday, November 22, 2016

UPDATE - Okui Kaori 奥居香 ~~ Renaissance (ルネッサンス) ~~

Okui Kaori's Renaissance album has been up to FLAC format although the 320 format is still available. The FLAC format may be downloaded from the link below:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

UPDATE - The Colts

The Colts - Happy Together has been re-linked. Let me know if it does not work. Thanks for the heads-up.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

UPDATE - Nakamori Akina 中森明菜 ~ CRUISE

Nakamori Akina 中森明菜 - CRUISE - posted on 2013.02.03 has been updated from MP3 to FLAC files.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

UPDATE - Sadistic Mika Band サディスティック・ミカ・バンド ~ 黒船

Sadistic Mika Band サディスティック・ミカ・バンド - Black Ships has been re-updated with Track 01 included. Do let me know if there are further issues. Thanks to all for the heads-up. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

UPDATE ~ サディスティック・ミカ - 黒船

Sadistic Mika Band's Black Ship has been upgraded to FLAC and re-linked - Enjoy! More Sadistic Mika Band to come when I get the chance.  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

UPDATE - Yano Akiko ~ Nagatsuki Kannazuk ~ and Others

The respective link for

Yano Akiko's  Nagatsuki Kannazuk posted April 2014

Every Little Thing - Every Best Single + 3 posted November 2014

OST - 슬픔보다 더 슬픈 이야기 (More Than Blue aka A Story Sadder Than Sadness) posted July 2014

have been re-loaded.

I have not re-loaded the other down links as yet but I hope to do so soon.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

NOTE: Down Links and Request

Back in the saddle again somewhat ...

I will be looking to fix some of the links that are down and to post a request for Yano Akiko's Japanese Girl. Do note that a large collection of her work is found on Zach's site.

Thanks to all on the heads-up on the down links

Sunday, January 17, 2016

UPDATE - Nakamori Akina 中森明菜 - クリムゾン (Crimson) - Re - Linked

Nakamori Akina 中森明菜 - クリムゾン (Crimson) posted August 2012 has been re-linked with code. Thank you Kevin for the heads-up.

If anyone requires re - posting(s) of Nakamori Akina's albums do let me know. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

UPDATE - Yazawa Eikichi 矢沢 永吉 and Eguchi Yosuke 江口 洋介 Re - loads

The following posts have been re-linked:

- Eguchi Yosuke 江口  洋介 - On The Road ~ オン・ザ・ロード ~ posted on November 2014
- Yazawa Eikichi 矢沢  永吉 - Flash In Japan ~ posted on  2015.12.05
- Yazawa Eikichi 矢沢  永吉 - CONCERT TOUR “Z” 2001~ posted on 2015.01.01

Drop me a line if there are issues.

Since I did not receive any comments whatsoever with respect to posting of vinyl rips in Audacity file format, I take it that there is no interest hence I will not be attempting to post vinyl rips in any format from henceforth.

A happy and a great 2016 to all!


Nakamori Akina 中森明菜 - 艶華 -Enka- [FLAC]

Released: 2007.06.27 艶華 -Enka-

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